The Rules of Synchronicity Number Two: Lighten the Fuck Up and Walk on Some Water

Playfulness as a key to synchronicity.

In my previous post, The Rules of Synchronicity, Having Sex with Pizzas, and Becoming More Flow-ish, I began to lay out some basic rules for increasing synchronicity in our lives.  We then use that synchronicity to get into The Flow State and life becomes a lot easier.

  Rule number one, of course, is to ask for synchronicity.  It’s like knocking on a door – if you don’t knock, no one will answer.

Rule number two is . . . play.

Just play.  As in, don’t take ourselves so seriously.  Lighten the fuck up.  Mellow out.  Have some fun.

Now, to many people, that’s going to sound counter-intuitive.  After all, we’re asking the Universe for guidance in our lives!  And that’s serious stuff, by golly, and we should act very solemn about it.  Maybe dress all in black and look pained and tragic.  Or maybe even fall down on our knees and sob about it.


There is a, “Whatever-It-Is,” out there in the Universe that answers our questions and gives us guidance when we ask.  Call it god, call it the faery folk, call it angels, call it whatever you like.  It’s there and it engages with us when we engage with it.

Now, the Whatever-It-Is has some basic characteristics, just like a person.  In fact, it might be easier to think of Whatever-It-Is as a person or even a friend.  One of it’s characteristics is that it’s playful.  It likes to engage with people who have a sense of humor and a light heart.  It’s not that Whatever-It-Is WON’T engage with us if we’re all serious and dejected and depressed.  It would just rather engage with someone who’s a little more fun.

Using the analogy of a friend again, we all have friends who are in a dark, depressed place.  Everyone goes in and out of the light and some people stay in the darkness a little longer than others.  If we have a friend like that, we don’t turn our backs on him.  If she needs to have a cup of coffee and just unload about how miserable her life is, we’ll do that.  We’re willing to pat his shoulder and say, “There, there . . . it will all work out.”

On the other hand, if we see that particular friend coming toward us a block away, we might cross the street and peer into a shop window until he passes by.  We’re compassionate, but we’re not masochistic.  We’re there to help, but we don’t seek out the darkness they’re living in.

Put another way, we’re all attracted to people who are positive, humorous, and light hearted.  Their positive energy gives us a good energetic charge and, hopefully, we give them one as well.

In very much the same way, Whatever-It-Is is much more likely to engage with us when we’re living in a fun, humorous, positive space.  It has a light, playful energy and so it’s much more compatible with OUR energy when we’re light and playful.

This is, of course, completely contrary to what we’ve been raised to believe.  Traditionally, people have sought out a connection with Whatever-It-Is in churches.  And what do we know about going to church?  It’s very, very, very serious.  And solemn.  And pretty damned uncomfortable.  No giggling allowed, thank you very much.  

Catholics even have a tradition of smacking themselves in their chests with their fists and saying, “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea MAXIMA culpa.”  That translates as, “I am guilty, I am guilty, I am SO FUCKING guilty.”

Would you like to have a conversation like that with a friend?  Of course not.  So why do we assume that Whatever-It-Is wants to have that conversation with us?  The ironic thing is that we’ve been taught that, in order to talk with Whatever-It-Is, we have to get into a really dark, serious emotional space and this is totally non-productive.  It just makes it that much harder for the positive energy and guidance to flow to us, because our vibration is incompatible.

Another problem that many of us – especially those of us who were raised as christians – encounter is that we’ve been taught from the get-go that GOD IS NOT OUR FRIEND!  The word, “god,” is just the term that most Westerners use to describe Whatever-It-Is.  It’s the something out there that we talk to when we need guidance and help, which we call, “praying,”  and when it answers us we call that, “miracles.”  

Unfortunately, we’ve also been taught that this god person pretty much doesn’t like anything that makes us happy.  That includes masturbation, sex, lying around being lazy, eating too much, and getting high.  He’s making a list and he’s checking it twice and he’s going to find out if we’re naughty or nice.  And if we’re naughty, we’re going straight to hell. Forever.  Period.

In other words, god doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.  In fact, you can flip through the entire bible and hardly find one single instance where god appeared to be having any fun or told a joke or did a dance.  The one exception I can think of was when Jesus decided to walk on the water just to freak out the local fishermen, but that’s a different story.

So, once again, this is a mind-set that we need to TOTALLY get out of.  Whatever-It-Is (call it god if you want to) LIKES for us to have fun.  Whatever-It-Is LIKES people who have sex and lie around in a hammock on a sunny day and tell jokes and dance.  Who wouldn’t?

Just to recap where we’re at in this discussion at this point:

  1. – We’re much happier, more fulfilled, and content when we’re living in the state of consciousness that we call, “The Flow.”
  2. – That state of consciousness always occurs coincident with synchronicity, so if we can increase our synchronicity, we increase the time we spend in The Flow.
  3. – Synchronicity means having contact with, asking questions of, and getting guidance from the spiritual source that some people call god/goddess or the faery folk or angels or spirit guides or even Whatever-It-Is.
  4. – The first step in achieving synchronicity is to actually, consciously ask for guidance and then watch for answers.
  5. – The answers will come a lot easier if we stay in a happy, light, positive vibration and remember that Whatever-It-Is is a benevolent friend who likes to have fun.

I’ll be posting some more about synchronicity in the near future, but for now just remember that the way to enlightenment is to lighten the fuck up.  We can do that!

Remember that my e-book, Just the Tarot, is available on Amazon for much less than what you’d pay for a box of chocolates and you’ll know EXACTLY what you’re getting.